One of the initiatives that the executive has undertaken this year is to reach out to other Lake Associations to see if there is any interest to share concerns and to work cooperatively to preserve our lake environment.
We invited half dozen associations from neighbouring lakes to
join us. We had good response, but only
three were able to join us on June 15, 2013 – Sydenham, Loughborough and Gould
Through discussions
there was agreement that the Lake Associations share the goal of preserving the
environmental quality in and around the lakes.
order to achieve this goal, we need to know what the current conditions
are. It would be helpful to monitor lake
conditions by measuring the same things in the same way – on land and in the
we need to identify the environmental threats to our lakes.
it was agreed that we could coordinate the communication of our concerns.
agreed to expand our contacts with other lake associations in South Frontenac
and to discuss our Lake Monitoring Plan with Cataraqui Region Conservation
Authority to see if they can coordinate and support our activities to monitor
lake water quality.
Frontenac has invited all Lake Associations to meet in August. We will try to meet with the other
associations before then.
of the June 15 meeting are available here.
Rik Saaltink, President DLPOA