Header photos by John Anderson

February 25, 2010

Property Acquisition by the Nature Conservancy of Canada


Here is an announcement from the Nature Conservancy of Canada about the acquisition of property in the Loughborough Lake area.

More information is available in the attached information sheet.

If you are not familiar with the Frontenac Arch project, have a look at http://www.natureconservancy.ca/site/PageServer?pagename=on_ncc_work_projects_frontenacarch1  

16 February 2010

Reason to celebrate: conservation gets a leg up in eastern Ontario

Belleville, ON - The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is one step closer to its goal of protecting the ecological connectivity of  the Frontenac Arch Natural Area thanks to the recent acquisition of the Freeman property north of Kingston. The charity is now working to raise the final $12,000 needed to provide for ongoing management of this natural habitat for future generations.

"I was privileged to tour the Freeman property last summer and learned a lot about the important role it plays in maintaining the overall integrity of our local ecosystems," noted Belleville resident, Dr. Bruce Cronk. "I am delighted that it is protected and that I have contributed to supporting its long-term management - I know that NCC is the right steward for this property."

The 600-acre (242-hectare) property on Guerley and Loughborough Lakes includes a diverse array of habitats from shoreline and wetlands to forested areas. Numerous species - many of them rare - depend on large, undisturbed tracts of land like the Freeman property for survival.

"While we can now celebrate owning the property, it is even more important that we continue to take good care of it," said Gary Bell, NCC's Eastern Ontario Program Manager. "That is why we're still looking for support for this project - because conservation doesn't end at acquisition, it's just beginning. We're very grateful to the members of the community who have been so generous already, and we invite everyone to be part of this special project."

You can help ensure proper long-term management of this important natural area by making a gift to the Freeman project. Your gift will be matched by funds provided by the Government of Canada and by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. To leave your natural legacy for future generations, please contact NCC's Hugh Bennett at 613-243-2502, or via email at hugh.bennett@natureconservancy.ca.

                The Government of Canada's Natural Areas Conservation Program is an investment to secure ecologically sensitive lands, The Nature Conservancy of Canada has committed to raising matching funds for each federal dollar received.

                The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources' Greenlands Program includes direct securement of properties through the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). NCC is committed to raising matching funds for each provincial dollar received.

                The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is Canada's leading land conservation organization.  Since 1962, NCC has helped to protect more than 2 million acres (800,000 hectares) of ecologically significant   land nationwide.
Photos and interviews available upon request.


Hugh Bennett
Major Gifts Officer - Eastern Ontario
Tel: 613-243-2502
Gary Bell
Program Manager - Eastern Ontario
Tel: 613-321-3559